Advrider Older Magazines

Industry Ride

This entry is part 13 of 20 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #47

AdventureMoto and RideADV hosted a smack-down ride for industry in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Those who still had hair let it down, and every-one had a ball.

Ténéré 700s regroup after a creek crossing.

The idea was simple enough: invite hardworking notables from the Australian adventure-riding community to come for a ride and forget the pressure of running businesses for a couple of days. In the spirit of fair play, even some not-so-hardworking individuals – like Adventure Rider Magazine’s editor – were included. TF wasn’t able to mount up for this one though, due to a gut-busting effort on a ride the week before, and the mag was represented by ad manager Mitch Newell on his much-loved Husky 701 Enduro.

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