Advrider Older Magazines

Kawasaki KLR650 Adventure

This entry is part 4 of 20 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #51

A few things have changed for the adventure-riding world’s workhorse, but it’s still a comfortable, capable all-rounder at a sensational price.

The KLR has been around in Australia since 1988. It had a major redesign for the 2008 model year, and now, after an incredibly successful 15 years or so, has once again been kissed on the doohickey by Kawasaki and is set to continue serving its devoted Australian fans.

We’re going to call this version the ‘Gen03’.

It’s not Dakar-ready in terms of performance, but the grins-per-dollar must be one of the highest in the Australian market.

New for 2022

The big news on the Gen03 KLR is fuel injection and ABS.

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