Advrider Older Magazines

No Fear, No Brains And A Twitchy Throttle Hand

This entry is part 4 of 18 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #44

Rod Taylor shares his journey and introduction to adventure riding…a story a lot of riders will relate to.

I’m not sure if it was the testoster-one-red colour or the racy lines, but it was my first and I was terrified.

I didn’t mind though, because at the age of 14 we loved being terrified, and I spent the next five minutes wobbling around my cousin’s backyard on a Postie bike. I think I even jabbed at the gear-change rocker and got the sucker up into second. I was bookin’!

“Get an adventure bike, ya pussy.”

Stepping up

My next moment of terror would have to wait a few months until my mate Craig bought a Suzuki TS185. A rabid, ball-tearing thing it was, too. Well, so it seemed to me. We headed up the back paddock to give it a go.

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