Advrider Older Magazines

Tech – Essential tools

This entry is part 18 of 20 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #21

It’s a real pain to have a ride interrupted by a problem when you know what needs to be done, but you don’t have the tools to do it. Here’s a few essentials for every adventure rider. These are only the core of a toolkit. Every bike has different special bits and pieces it needs. Some need specific drivers to remove axles. The Euro bikes often need Torx drivers to remove panels and fittings. Even a plug spanner can be a highly specialised item.

Try doing your regular bike maintenance in the shed using only the tools carried on your bike and you’ll soon learn what’s important.

The trick is to refine the list of tools you carry to cover the essentials, and to try and have each tool suited to more than one task. This group is by no means comprehensive. It’s a starting point, hopefully to get you thinking about what you personally need to carry.

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