Advrider Older Magazines

Tech: The Wheel Deal

This entry is part 9 of 19 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #24

Wheels are a fundamental part of any transport system. They’re as fundamental now as they were to the first caveman trying to drag home his dinosaur-ribs for dinner and for the gladiator prepping his chariot for a bit of the ol’ Ben Hur at the Collosseum. For adventure riders they’re a hot topic because a wheel failure can leave a rider in serious difficulty and damage can be very difficult to repair away from a workshop. What makes a good wheel and what should a rider look for? Here’s a few tips…

Before everyone gets all fired up, we’re not discussing tyres, rim tape, bearings or axles. All those things can influence a wheel’s performance and durability, but they’re separate to this discussion.

We’re talking about wheels, and wheels have three main components: rim, spokes and hub. Tyres, like it or not, are a separate issue from this discussion.

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