Advrider Older Magazines

Scott Britnell

This entry is part 8 of 23 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #8

Cape Byron to Steep Point in 72 hours and 10 minutes. Back again to total 173 hours and 50 minutes for the double crossing. Who is this guy?

At 40, Scott Britnell, from Camden, NSW, has done some-thing astonishing: he rode across Australia and back in a time that seemed barely possible. The adventure-riding community sat glued to his SPOT trace watching it happen, scarcely believing what they were seeing. Adventure Rider Magazine spent a rainy afternoon in a coffee shop finding out more about Scott, his ride, and his plans for the future.

AdvR: No-one’s ever heard of you before this. Tell us a bit about yourself.
SB: I grew up on a farm in central Victoria where I had a lot of opportunity to ride straight out my back gate and into the mountains, so I sort of honed my skills there. There weren’t too many people to ride with, so I did a lot of my riding solo, and I did a couple of enduros where I didn’t have a licence and I borrowed some number plates, and I did a few natural-terrain motocrosses.

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