Advrider Older Magazines

Trek Tasrainia

This entry is part 7 of 23 in the series Adventure Rider Issue #8

Trek Tasmania seemed like such a great idea. Imagine riding around one of the world’s great adventure-riding destinations with a guide, sweep, and some great blokes. Imagine the scenery, the trails, the old-growth forest and the history, the trip across on the Spirit Of Tasmania …it rained for the first four days, and believe it or not, it was still one of the best rides ever. Riding in Tasmania is just that good.

After a few administrative challenges the nature of Trek Tasmania changed from a paid ride – where readers paid a fee and were escorted around Tasmania – to where the publisher said, “Let’s forget all this paperwork. Let’s just go for a ride and whoever wants to can come with us.”

So on a sunny Melbourne afternoon Adventure Rider Magazine readers Craig Major and Mark Edney joined up with the editor and rolled on to the Spirit Of Tasmania, ready for a few days of a new world.

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